Tag Archives: Planned Parenthood

The CDC: Dereliction of Duty, Pt 2

June 11, 2014

Sitting on the plane, waiting for takeoff, I opened the newspaper in my lap. I couldn’t believe my Condom Pkgseyes!

Finally! Finally, the truth about condoms was coming out. In the newspaper. Everyone would finally hear the truth about condoms.

This meant I could get my life back. I could quit researching and writing about condoms and sex education. I could return to my garden and plant flowers instead.

For the past five years, I had spent hours in the library and at the keyboard. On the telephone, I interviewed sex educators from all parts of the country. Interviews were transcribed, and information was organized into file folders. And I was on the plane, now, headed for a Miami conference on sex education.

Condoms were the culprit. At the time, with HIV/AIDS taking hold in our culture, we had very little knowledge about the disease. People were dying, and we still didn’t have the whole story about how they contracted HIV or when we might have a cure.

Condoms were our only ally. Condoms protect. Use a condom. Use a condom consistently and correctly…every time…everywhere…put a basket of condoms in the bathroom, in the school office…everywhere! Now! Use a condom!

Condoms made us feel safe. We could still have all the sex we wanted…with whomever we wanted…as long as we used a condom…consistently and correctly. Our sex was safe. Protected. We were protected…and safe!

CDC Logo StethAfter all…the Centers for Disease Control, CDC, was looking after us.

Linking arms with Planned Parenthood, SIECUS and state health departments, the CDC gave its nod to wrapping the United States up in one giant condom campaign for “SAFE SEX”:

  • 2000, Planned Parenthood Ohio held a condom giveaway – a bright yellow coupon redeemable for free condoms and a MacDonald’s gift certificate.Condom MacD
  • 2000, Planned Parenthood Southern Arizona spent $100,000 on “Use Condom Sense” campaign that featured billboards on buses showing a 13-year-old girl holding up a condom. Included in the campaign, 19 condom machines were placed in teen hang-outs, including the Tucson Parks and Recreation Department.
  • 2002, Planned Parenthood celebrated the introduction of The Planned Parenthood Condom with a coupon for a free condom – or – four free condoms if you paid for STD and/or HIV testing.
  • 2006, Planned Parenthood sponsored a condom art contest.Condom Lollipop
  • 2006, Planned Parenthood offered condoms packaged like lollipops and promoted condom key chains.
  • 2006, Planned Parenthood Michigan’s teen program held condom art workshops. “Make a beautiful creation out of condoms, find out all the facts on using condoms correctly, and get a free gift.”

Where was the CDC?  CDC Logo  Nodding, winking…and sleeping.     Sleeping Boy

Promoting condoms came at a price…paid by the US taxpayers…a staggering sum of dollars handed out through government grants. One report documented over $2,000,000 divided Dollar Signbetween Planned Parenthood ($991,109) and four other organizations. Grabbing every dollar possible, the ACLU, SIECUS and 32 groups held a press conference designed to stop funding of abstinence programs.

Promoting condoms, finally a national pastime, left little money or incentive for the government to deliver another message to teens…abstain from sex. In fact, messages that encouraged sexual abstinence for teens were mocked. In extreme outbursts of hostility, legislators even accused abstinence programs of “killing teens.”

The CDC?  CDC Logo  Nodding, winking…and sleeping.        Sleeping Boy

Ironically, as king of the SAFE SEX condom campaign, Planned Parenthood failed the condom tests performed by Consumer Reports Magazine. Of the 23 condoms tested, the Planned Parenthood Federation of America’s Honeydew and Assorted Colors condoms scored the worst. Not taking this lying down, Planned Parenthood submitted their condoms to “independent testing.” Anyone surprised that Planned Parenthood then proclaimed their condoms “excellent”?

Condoms made us feel safe. Our sex was safe. Protected. We were protected…and safe!Heart Flying

At a college presentation on Valentine’s Day, a young man stood at the front of the crowded auditorium, raised his right hand and spoke for all Americans, “I pledge allegiance to the condom.”

Now, finally, twenty years after HIV struck America…

Finally, sitting on the plane bound for Miami, I read the national story on condoms again and closed my eyes in gratitude. “Finally,” I told myself, “someone is paying attention to the truth Alarm Clockabout condoms. The press is finally reporting on the medical truths about condoms.”

The CDC?  CDC Logo  It blinked, shook its head…and woke up. Finally.


NEXT WEEK:  The CDC: Dereliction of Duty, Part 3, The Truth about Condoms…Finally!

LAST WEEK:  The CDC: Dereliction of Duty, Part 1

Copyright 2004-2014. All Rights Reserved

Google Chooses Abortion

April 30, 2014

Google Logo GThe headline is blatantly clear: Google removes advertisements for ‘crisis pregnancy centers’

As reported by Julian Hattern, TheHill.com, this Google decision was the result of Google “bowing to pressure” from pro-abortion groups.  Right.

So Google just collapsed like that.  A few abortion-happy people pounded on its doors, and Google folded.

Imagine that.  A corporation that announced ending “2013 with another great quarter of Dollar Signmomentum and growth.  Google’s standalone revenue was up 22% year on year, at $15.7 billion”…and Google didn’t have the gumption to put a guard at the door.  Could Google have afforded to hire a bouncer to escort the pro-abortion crowd outside?

Oh, I’m sorry.  I read too quickly and missed the key issue cited by Google for its marriage with abortion advocates.

Google claims moral superiority.  It simply does not want to be caught, “aiding and abetting ideologically driven groups with a calculated campaign to lie to and shame women making one of the most important decisions of our lives.”

Google SquicWellllllll…Gooooooooooooogle.  It’s a little late to claim the high ground!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ideologically driven groups?  Can anyone imagine a more well-funded ideologically driven group than one made up of NARAL, Planned Parenthood and other pro-abortion advocates.  I would love to hear from college student groups who battle for the simple right to display the life-size models of babies in the womb on campuses during any event dealing with “reproduction rights.”

Calculated campaign?  Isn’t Google’s announcement the best evidence yet of the calculated campaign of pro-abortion groups for the singular purpose of….

Lying and shaming women into making one of the most important decisions of their lives?  Let’s hear it from all of the two or three college women in America who went to Planned Parenthood “health services” with their “unplanned pregnancy” and were confronted with…

  • an ultrasound
  • pictures of fetal development (i.e. pictures of real babies in the womb)
  • potential harmful consequences of an abortion
  • information, help and assistance in seeking adoption…

Let’s hear it from women across America who are shamed into abortion with lies that:

  • their family (parents) will disown them,
  • their prospects for career and happiness will end with a baby,
  • abortion is a simple procedure that will give them happiness and fulfillment,
  • after all, the blob of tissue (product of conception) is not really a baby, and
  • they will “get on with their lives” in the same way one does after having a tooth pulled.

Accurate resources?  Google claims this is all about getting truthful information out to women.  Smile Baby on ArmAw, shucks.  How about getting the truth about babies and pregnancy from the very people who make their living getting rid of the babies and pregnancy?

Planned Parenthood’s website talks about pregnancy.  Their great medically accurate pronouncement is soooo informative:

The stages of embryonic and fetal development also follow a common pattern.  Still, pregnancy can be confusing and sometimes mysterious. It’s normal to wonder what happens during each of the stages of pregnancy.

Pregnancy, week one through week 32, a la Planned Parenthood’s website?  Want to find out about how a baby is made?  Forget it.

Planned Parenthood’s truth about babies begins with a “ball of cells,” moves to “embryo” for a week or two, and finally settles into “fetus” for the duration…all the way to week 32, just minutes before birth of the “fetus” into life as a baby!  Oh…let’s remember their black-line drawing of the “ball of cells”…soooo illustrative!

Ultrasound 8 wkAny of you get those cute little ultrasounds of your fetus sucking its thumb?  Won’t find it at Planned Parenthood’s website.

Any of you post the pictures of your 10-week “fetus” on the fridge, a picture from your ultrasound?  Doubtful you will get that at Planned Parenthood.

Truth about babies is not very helpful if you are in the business of selling abortions.  In the words of our very own President, we don’t want our women “punished by a baby.”

Oh…well…yes, Planned Parenthood does do its best to “tell the truth about pregnancy.”  Here you go, all you expectant moms looking forward to cuddling your little bambino…or PPbambina…or fetusita?  Enjoying your pregnancy?  Guess that’s because you don’t have Planned Parenthood to tell you “the truth”:

Just as your baby is ready to fall into your arms, Planned Parenthood encourages you to imagine your delight:

Week 31–32

  • The fetus has a CRL of about 11 inches (28 cm).
  • Lanugo starts falling off.

Delighted?  Well, Planned Parenthood will pour this salt on the wounds of baby-regret:

Women often start feeling tired and have a more difficult time breathing as the uterus expands up. They may get varicose veins — blue or red swollen veins most often in the legs — or hemorrhoids — varicose veins of the rectum. Hemorrhoids can be painful and itchy and cause bleeding. Women may also get stretch marks where skin has been expanded. Braxton-Hicks contractions, heartburn, and constipation may continue. Women may urinate a bit when sneezing or laughing because of pressure from the uterus on the bladder. Hormones may make hair appear fuller and healthier.

Wow!  That sounds like FUN!  Get your abortion now…before you suffer one more minute.

Those cute little intrautero pictures of real live babies…babies with all their fingers and toes…ready Ultrasound 32 wk to meet mom and dad in another week or so?  Not at Planned Parenthood’s website.  Just a little too much truth for their abortion business.  You’ll have to go to a Pregnancy Care Center for this…if you can find it…now that Google has decided we can’t have enough abortion in America.

Is there any good news in this?  Maybe.

Reporter Hattern tells us,  a “Google spokesperson said that the company is ‘constantly reviewing ads to ensure they comply with our AdWords policies, which include strict guidelines related to ad relevance, clarity, and accuracy.”‘  Maybe we can hope they will apply this to pro-abortion advocates.

Finally, notes are encouraged to CEO Larry Page, to “support your commitment to ending this manipulation of women making vital health decisions.”

Google PopeyeThis is your cue, ladies.  All of you who know the truth being hidden in the campaign to convince women they must have that abortion or suffer life with an inconvenient baby

CEO Larry Pages needs your note.

Hey Larry Page…listen to this!  [Use this link to his Google.page]

If anyone builds a campaign to send Google’s Mr. Page the real facts about abortion and its ideological campaign against the truth, let us know.  We are all about truth, and Mr. Page should get a dose of it.


Copyright 2014.  All Rights Reserve.