You may be “free” to say what you want…
But this is no guarantee that the rest of the world will be compelled to give you the platform to say what you want…
The moderator reserves the right to delete comments that…
- use profanity,
- denigrate participants in the discussion or non-participants, named or unnamed, and which otherwise rely on abusing people instead of debating the issue,
- detour from the topic at hand to such an extent that said topic is no longer apparent,
- exhibit a passionate desire of the author for starting World War III,
- are posted for the purpose of selling products, blogs and cute little puppies,
- repeat the same idea over and over and over and over and…
- are just plain mean and wicked.
That said, lively debate can joust and jive, evoking an occasional “ouch” when it makes a strong point. Lively debate – good! Great!